Unlike other weather events, earthquakes can arrive with no notice. They can cause major damage and present risks to your personal and vehicle safety. It can be difficult to prepare for the possibility of an earthquake, however you can limit your risk by following the guidance below.
Prepare your vehicle
If you are driving in earthquake-prone areas, prepare your vehicle now:
- Ensure your vehicle is good working order and all lights (headlights, indicators, hazard lights, brake lights) are in working condition
- Ensure you have enough petrol in your fuel tank – conditions may require you to change routes or travel further to avoid dangerous areas
- Keep a first aid kit within the vehicle at all times
- Stock your car with supplies you might need in case of an emergency situation: drinking water, a poncho or jacket, a hat and gloves, an emergency blanket, a torch, radio and walking shoes
Driving in an earthquake
Recognise what’s happening
Sometimes it can be hard to tell that an earthquake is occuring. Drivers often report that it felt like their tyres had suddenly gone flat.
If you notice a sudden change in the way your vehicle is handling, slow down and look for clues, such as many vehicles slowing down, buildings and powerlines shaking, or people taking cover.
Turn on your radio to a local station for any available emergency information.
Pull over safely
- Never attempt to keep driving when you’re unsure what’s happening
- Pull over to a safe place as soon as you can, turn off the engine and put on the hand brake
- Avoid parking under anything that could fall on to the vehicle such as: bridges, lamp posts, trees, undercover car parks, or power lines
Stay in the car
- While the shaking is going on, you are safest in your car with your seatbelt on
- It will give you some protection from falling objects
- Do not get out of your vehicle to lie underneath it, as you could be crushed by it moving around
Once the shaking has stopped
- Before you get out of your vehicle, check for hazards such as fallen power lines or objects above you that might drop
- If power lines have fallen on your car, do not get out
- Likewise, if you see a vehicle which has power lines on it, don’t touch it
- Emergency Services will need to ensure the power is off before it is safe to approach
- Use your car radio to get news about how bad the earthquake damage is and advice on what to do next
Driving after an earthquake
- Earthquakes are often followed by aftershocks which can cause further damage
- So if you start driving again, keep away from hazardous areas and be ready to stop again
- Listen to the radio or check online for any roads that are closed due to earthquake damage
- Avoid driving over any large cracks in the road, on or under bridges and ramps that appear damaged, or through any flood waters
- Watch out for landslips that could have come down on roads
- If you are in an area where there is a tsunami risk, get to higher ground as quickly as possible
- Stay focussed on driving when you’re driving and pull over if you need to use your phone
Know who to call
- In life threatening situations call 000 (Triple Zero)
- If you have a “Find my phone” feature on your phone, make sure it’s turned on
- Contact Custom Fleet if your vehicle is damaged or destroyed in an earthquake