1800 812 681


Floods can cause enormous damage very quickly. They can cut off communication and transport options and they can happen anywhere in Australia.

Floods can also be really dangerous, and it’s easy to under-estimate the power of flooding water. So it’s a good idea to be prepared, and in rainy seasons, remain aware of the possibility of floods.

If you think you might be at risk of being in a flooded area, park your car on an elevated road as a precaution.

Prepare your vehicle

If you may drive in flood-prone areas, prepare your vehicle now.

  • Keep your vehicle in good working order, including all lights (headlights, indicators, hazard lights, brake lights)
  • Replace any worn windshield wiper blades
  • Check tyre tread depth and tyre pressure
  • Ensure you have plenty of fuel in the tank – flood conditions may require you to change routes or travel further than expected
  • Keep a first aid kit within the vehicle at all times
  • Keep a go-bag ready, at home or in your car with clothes and any other supplies you might need


Never enter floodwater. If it’s flooded, forget it.

The major cause of death during floods is due to people entering or travelling through flood water. This includes driving, riding, or walking through flood water.

  • Flood water may be deeper or faster flowing than it appears and contain hidden hazards
  • Flood water may contain chemicals, raw sewage, snakes, spiders and much more that could cause illness or death
  • Roads and surfaces underneath flood water often wash away, which might not be visible from the surface
  • If your vehicle is submerged in a flood, do not attempt to drive it afterwards as there might be water in the engine or other electrical parts

Go to high ground when flooding is imminent

If your area is at risk, evacuate early to leave potential flood areas.

  • Stay with family or friends out of the flood zone
  • Evacuation centres may be set up if an emergency warning is issued
  • Choose the safest route to travel where roads along the route are open
  • Roads may become congested or close, ensure you leave enough time to travel safely

Know who to call

  • In life threatening situations call 000 (Triple Zero)
  • If you have a “Find my phone” feature on your phone, make sure it’s turned on
  • Contact Custom Fleet if your vehicle is damaged or destroyed in a flood
1800 812 681
Customer Service:
1300 364 651
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