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28 May 2024

Green Light program: Empowering women in leadership

Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive and excel is one of our core values at Custom Fleet.

As part of our commitment to diversifying our leadership capabilities, we are proud to launch the second round of our Green Light program — a groundbreaking initiative designed to cultivate a pipeline of skilled and confident women ready to take on leadership roles within our organisation.

With Green Light, we are demonstrating our commitment to recognising and valuing the unique skills, traits, and perspectives that women bring to leadership positions.

We understand the importance of gender diversity in leadership, and we’re committed to providing the support and resources necessary for women to succeed in their careers.

Green Light program: Empowering women in leadership

In collaboration with the incredible team at Maxme, who share our vision of ‘maximising human potential’, Green Light delivers targeted leadership development sessions over a period of nine weeks.

Through a series of comprehensive virtual workshops, participants are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the specific challenges that women often encounter as they advance in their careers.

During the first round of Green Light, we worked with 23 talented women from across Custom Fleet in Australia and New Zealand.

Witnessing their growth and development to the program was truly inspiring, and we’re immensely proud of their achievements. Each participant emerged from the program with newfound confidence and readiness to take on leadership roles.

  As a result of this program, I have been able to focus on my strengths, which has led me to presenting an idea to my manager that I previously would have been too nervous to do.  

  I feel I’m much more self-aware, and I am starting to use the learnings, not only at work but also in my personal life.  

  The program helped me to understand that I need to use my strengths more rather than worrying about my weaknesses.  

As we reflect on the successes of our first cohort, we’re thrilled to be partnering with Maxme once again to launch the second round of Green Light.

Green Light represents more than just a leadership development initiative — it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging.

By investing in the professional growth and advancement of women, we are strengthening Custom Fleet and also driving positive change within our industry and beyond.

As we embark on the next chapter of Green Light, we look forward to witnessing the continued success and impact of our participants.

Together, we will pave the way for a future where women are represented equally in leadership roles, driving innovation, and driving positive change in our organisation and society.

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